Potten&Pannen Staněk - Liberec
Design | Outstanding | Practical
When we laid down these three simple words, it was already clear that Potten&Pannen Staněk will be a matter of the heart. Just like us, they too are trying to make something seemingly ordinary into an outstanding object of art. Just like us, they put a piece of themselves into the work, a piece of their heart that wanders amidst all sorts of kitchen appliances, pots and ingredients. Just like us, Potten&Pannen are also original and distinct. And that is why we approached the project of a retail shop in Liberec just the same way - originally and distinctively. Yet still we used clean and simple design that allows the products to stand out.
The project of the retail shop in Liberec was different from the beginning. It was not - like in cases of branches in Olomouc, Brno or Prague - situated inside a shopping centre, but it was a solitary retail shop in the heart of a north bohemian metropolis. One could say that because success in shopping centres lied in originality and distinction from other shops, in this case it would be easy. It was the opposite - even this project was a big challenge. The reconstruction included building adaptation of the whole space, drywall soffits, overall lighting and, as usual, very special novel furniture.

Creativity. Experience. Passion.
Do you like our creation and you are already thinking over your project or intent? Perfect! We are here to help you with everything necessary. Don’t hesitate to turn to us right now so we can arrange a meeting right today and consult about your ideas!